Thursday, July 28, 2016

Kentucky Much? Meme

1.  How often do you enjoy catfish?

2.  What city did M. Ali hail from as a young boxer?
3.  Is it Johnny Appleseed or Daniel Boone that there is a statue of in what cities in Kentucky?
4.  Name three Kentucky "sayings".
5.  Have you ever watched the TV show JUSTIFIED?
6.  How about that burgoo?
7.  Are you familiar with field mice?
8.  What is the best thing you like about Kentucky?
9.  What is the name of the men's UK Kentucky Wildcats basketball coach?
10.  What is the name of the men's U of L basketball coach?
11.  What is Kentucky's favorite sport?
12.  What do the initials LBL stand for?
13.  Do you want some free corn or tomatoes?

* Image Credit Kentucky Artist, Mary Wilma Bartee. (Deceased) and The Word From Kentucky
* Post in conjunction with


  1. I was hoping you'd answer. I'd probably get an F!

  2. I'm sad to say I don't know the answers! But I would like to! And I'll take some free corn.

  3. 1. Most Kentuckians really enjoy catfish, I do not. 2. Louisville 3. Daniel Boone, but not sure where they are or how many 4. "United we Stand, Divided We Fall" "We Bleed Blue" "Here hold my beer, this is gonna be funny" 5. No, not me 6. Burgoo is awesome stuff 7. Yes 8. It's home, even though I would rather be any other place 9. John Calipari 10. Rick Pitino 11. Basketball 12. Land Between the Lakes 13. I'd love some corn and tomatoes

    1. well other then not liking catfish you get 100, LOL

  4. Yeah, I'm not from KY, either. The only reason I know the team mascot is a wildcat is because we've played them a few times. Mine

  5. Catfish is one of my favorite dishes, though I'm not generally a fan of fishy fish. If my mean field mice as in the little furry things, then I got that one. Otherwise you can certainly tell I've spent all of half a day in Kentucky - the whole time inside a car.
