Saturday, June 6, 2015


Oh these hypothetical
questions that reveal
what you think!

stolen from sign up genius

Would you rather have more time or more money?  Assuming they mean free time, right now I would rather have more money.

Would you rather go into the past and meet your ancestors or into the future and meet you great-great grandchildren?  Ancestors

Would you rather have a rewind button or a pause button on your life?  Pause

Would you rather be able to speak with the animals or speak all foreign languages?  I'm allergic to animals so I would rather speak all foreign languages.  Besides which, I am really into words.

Would you rather win the lottery or live twice as long?  I can't answer this one, there are too many loose variables to be taken into consideration.  If we don't know how short or long we are going to live how could we choose.  If we were going to live 4o years then maybe we would choose to live twice as long.  If we were going to live 120 years we might choose the lottery option.

Would you feel worse if no one came to your wedding or if no one came to your funeral? I am not a funeral person.  If I don't go to your funeral, then you don't have to go to mine.

Would you rather be without the internet for a week or without your phone? Internet

Would you rather meet George Washington or the current president?  I would rather meet the current president.  I don't think George Washington and I would have much to talk about.

Would you rather lose your vision or your hearing?  Neither one.

Would you rather work more hours per day but less days per week?
Yes, on a flexible basis.

Would you rather listen to music from the 70's or music today?  I listen to music from today more often then music from the 70's, so I guess that would be the answer; Today

Would you rather become someone else or just stay you? Me, myself and I.

Would you rather be batman or spider man?  Well if I absolutely had to choose one of them, I would pick batman.  I would rather drive. My brother and I use to watch batman when we were little, the original TV series.  The female characters of batgirl and cat woman were very intriguing to me as a little girl.

Would you rather be stuck on a broken ski lift or a broken elevator?

For your birthday would you rather receive cash or gifts? No special preference.

...end of part one

Happy Sunday and have a great day of  rest!

to participate in Sunday Stealing or to read more go to

image credit Sunday Stealing


  1. Very analytical on the lottery question!!

    1. some of my other answers were that way too. I just try to keep it short sometimes.

  2. I sure would miss the internet too!

    1. I would too, but I have gotten too used to having a phone with me. :(

  3. There were never enough female superheroes to suit me.

  4. We have a lot of matching answers!

    1. I'm not a teacher, but I come from a family of teacher's. That is probably why.

  5. You and Kwizgiver have a lot of matching answers! (I read that somewhere...)

    1. Oh hey, Bud Weiser, you are visiting your baby today!

  6. Thank you for letting me off the hook on attending your funeral. I hate going to those...and you are absolved of all obligation to attend mine. ;)

  7. Variables are always important. Why didn't I think of that?! awesome post. OJM

  8. "If I don't go to your funeral, then you don't have to go to mine." Brilliant!

  9. Late again here. These are just the type of questions that raise the hackles of rebellion! Lol... Great Answers!

  10. I was on a broken elevator. Alone. No fun. So glad it was at the library, and I'd already chosen my books!

    Thanks for dropping by Harvest Lane Cottage!
